To find some background info or covers about MSX stuff I am blogging about,
I use a lot of times search words with word MSX added to. And when I search for pictures
I get lots of strange pictures that had nothing to do with MSX computers.
The word MSX is nowadays commonly used for all kinds of things.
From motors till Viagra pills, anything is possible.
I decided it was interesting enough to search for MSX logos, what they mean and for which products they use the word MSX for.
Well, I can tell you there will be no Microsoft on this list.
They give their name to the MSX standard (well if that is true is for another post), but they totally forgot about it.
You might say, world domination fallen with MSX, but with Windows, it worked out fine. Enough about big MS, let's see how other companies use MSX for their products.

Well, that all for now. Next time a new search engine. BTW the original MSX logo in this post, came from a very interesting blog of Dave Voyles. In this post, he described briefly the history of MSX computers in a very good article. Take a look to his other posts.
I use a lot of times search words with word MSX added to. And when I search for pictures
I get lots of strange pictures that had nothing to do with MSX computers.
The word MSX is nowadays commonly used for all kinds of things.
From motors till Viagra pills, anything is possible.
I decided it was interesting enough to search for MSX logos, what they mean and for which products they use the word MSX for.
Well, I can tell you there will be no Microsoft on this list.
They give their name to the MSX standard (well if that is true is for another post), but they totally forgot about it.
You might say, world domination fallen with MSX, but with Windows, it worked out fine. Enough about big MS, let's see how other companies use MSX for their products.
This is a collection of MSX logo's I got with a Yahoo search ( it's mine default search engine, cause I use McAfee ), here we go in random order:
MSX was never going international, but there were plenty of countries
where MSX computers were sold.
I think the logo was to use for all MSX groups and seemed
to be forgotten.
Somebody uploade an animated MSX logo in different versions on YouTube,
but for what use ? I could not find out.

Yes, there is an MSX radiostation and no they dont play MSX music,
but it's a fake radio-station in GTA games itself.
This is a logo from a graphic designer company, do they work as a trio ?
Cant find the 3 names of these designers.
Next is a musicshop which sells CDs with sounds from real instruments.
Here is some other graphic designer company, dont know where the logo was used for.
The site was not very helpfull.
Yes, MSX energy drink !!
If enough people at Microsoft drink it, maybe they produce
an MSX-3 as a new X-Box game-console.

Logo for a bikersclub, for mini bikes only. Mmm, does the M in MSX stands for Mini ?
Well, some people do.
That other logo seemed to be for another motorgang,
for some very bad-ass MSX-ers, but the link is broken.
The logo of a never existing magazine, somehow I'm glad. Do I like to play Space Manbow on a MetroSexual computer ? So weird.
Another logo from a graphic desgner studio, purpose yet unknown.
I like it. Put this logo on any MSX-3 computer and I will buy it.
Here is a company called MSX contents and uses MSX in the name of their product,
like MSX Pressforce... Maybe handy for any magazine publisher.
Strangely their website is called: fivecom.
Does that mean they have only 5 computers and employees ?
A shop that sells outdoors stuff, I like the title MSX Mainstream, it's a good title for a new MSX blog. I dont think I need any of this stuff, I'm too lazy for that.
Well, that all for now. Next time a new search engine. BTW the original MSX logo in this post, came from a very interesting blog of Dave Voyles. In this post, he described briefly the history of MSX computers in a very good article. Take a look to his other posts.
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