
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

112 MSX Basic games presents: PLAYMAZE.GAM (103)

Another Basic game in black and white ! And I almost forgot an MSX-1 had 15 colors !
I could add a nice background picture, flashing title screens, colorfull characterset, but no.

First of all it's too much work for me, second this game doesnt need fancy stuff.
It's perfect in b&w, believe me. The game had no title, but in Dutch it was called: "DOOLHOF.BAS".

That was a very bad name, cause I had at least 2 other Basic games
with the same name, but totally different in gameplay (if there was any...).

I decided to call this one "PLAYMAZE", because you can really play the generated maze
(instead of printing it on the screen and quit...).
And there is more, you can fill in how but the maze can be, if it will be generated visilble or not,
if the whole maze is visible or not and if you should play it or the computer.
Yes, really !
You can let the computer finds his way through the maze and see how fast he gets to the exit. Well..always faster than me.

It's amazed me how many options the programmer put into this listing.
Sadly I dont know who, I only know it was a C.U.C. member cause the listing was made for MSX-1 and Spectravideo 328/728.
I changed only minor details like deleting the Spectravideo parts and made the color of the sprite in the maze changable.

I know there was a MSX-2 maze-game called Leather Skirts,
but that was a very boring game with just a bigger maze and some drawn pictures of girls
of the red light district.

You can download PLAYMAZE.GAM from Gavitex and Mediafire
and Leather Skirts NOT, why should you play it ? Didn´t you watch that boring video ?

Sunday, September 27, 2015

112 MSX Basic games presents: DETECTIV.GAM (104)

This is a very simple version of the "Guess Who" game.

So you dont owe an MSX computer to play it, you just need a computer with some Basic interpreter.
The original game was more guessing than clever thinking, so I added some difficulty levels into the game.

There are plenty of text-only games made for MSX, but I liked this one for the staging (police officiers) and the comments how the player is doing.
A P.C can ask more questions than a Inspector, so most of the time the Inspector has to quess...

There is no much left to say, so I give you the download links.

At Gavitex 
At Mediafire

I could add some colorfull backgrounds to this game, but
I dont like games with nice gfx and less gameplay.

After all, this game has not much gameplay, just fun to play for a short time... 

Monday, September 21, 2015

112 MSX Basic games presents: Blitz Attack (105)

This is a simple game, just throw bombs on tanks and buildings before your plane crashes.

But there is more in "Blitz Attack" than you expect. For example: you can play in daylight or at night.

And believe me, getting a good score at "Night Blitz" is not so easy, cause you see no buildings... Of course I could make the tanks invisible during the "Night Blitz" too.
I think you find that more annoying than challenging.

Well I played the game a couple of times before I noticed the movement of the tanks are sometimes reversed ! What a clever way to make the game more interesting !

Here are the links for Gavitex and Mediafire

Until now, all the 112 MSX Basic games are typed over from some listingbooks and not from any MSX Magazine.
So the GFX of these games seems the bare minimum of which an MSX-1 computer is capable of.
Maybe it will change during the serie, I select the games on playability, fun and strictly MSX Basic, no ML code should be used.

112 MSX Basic games presents: Johnny Jump (106)

The hardest part to make this game ready to publish here was: the title of the game. Really.
The original name was "Jantje Wip" and if you translate that directly you get "Jumping Jack" or "Johnny Bounce" or "John get laid".

So I name it "Johnny Jump", not a very good name, cause our hero had to climb a lot of ladders too. It's a kind of Donkey Kong game, avoiding all strange creatures and climb to the top. After that it's getting more difficult.

The game amazed me of it's speed and playability, it's a basic game but everything moves without slowing down our hero Johnny.
Impressive work this game.
Even the Game Over screen is animated !

If you want to get a good highscore, timing is more important than speed...

PS: If you know a better name...let me know in the comments...

112 MSX Basic games presents: Granny Crunch (107)

Granny Crunch was at first a nice but boring game.
If you stay in the bottom of the screen with your "Granny" pacman, you could play it forever without any Game Over.

So I change the rules a bit to make it harder and more enjoyable.
Now you can choose between "Normal" and "Hard" mode.

The "Normal" mode the walls will be in place, but in "Hard" mode the walls will become bigger, every time you lose enough apples.

Maybe I forgot to explain what you have to do in this basic game...
With your "Granny" pacman you must eat the apples that are falling from the sky (I think, cause I see is no tree).

If you forgot to eat apples the game will soon be over, and your score will displayed.
Can you beat my highest score ? Give it a try, if you still find it boring, you are a better game player than I am.

Try it at: Gavitex and Mediafire

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Fan van KONG

It was not easy to find their website, cause the word KONG is used in so many ways, with or without the KING. 
is an Dutch group of musicians,  who make instrumental music with influences from metal, ambient, chillout, house and industrial and use spoken samples to finish it.

They make perfect soundtracks for art-house movies. Some times loud and fuzzy, sometimes light and full of melody.
I start bying their CDs after I heard the song Stockhouse on a Dutch complation CD of Noorder slag Festival (Nieuw Nederland Peil).

For me:  the song visualizes what happened if you go on a rollercoaster, it's a crazy ride,
I can assure you!

Some of their albums were produced by Tom Holkenborg,with sometimes a remixe of Junkie XL (both ex-members of Nerve).
I was also fan of...but that's another story to tell someday...

Years after they broke up I got a mail links to some new tracks, but it was not KONG anymore, just another solo project.

So I bought KONG remixes 93-99, cause I like remixes...well...they all are great disappointments altough I saw some great names of early Dutch house-music composers. Famous names means great sells, not great quality...
The 2nd album of KONG was the best they ever made (Push Comes To Shove),
I played it a lot and loud !
Sadly they never are really populair in other countries, maybe the music was just not pop enough...

I checked their website and they released  already 3 albums I didnt have. But now my taste of music is slightly changed so I listen but wont buy.

PS: on their website you can hear ALL of their songs, check out the RELEASES...

Puzzle Inc Videos

When my son was much younger, we watching BabyTV sometimes.
Most of these programs were highly education
to learn children usefull things like colors, counting, new words, sizes, etc, etc.
And there was one show that wasnt very education, it was just fun to watch and was
called Puzzle Inc.

If you like the intro, the rest is even better.
Every episode creates a simple fantasy world where toys blocks come to life. The crazy voices, sounds and classical music, this strange combination let you smile and make you wonderhow it will end.
Well I recorded several episodes, but I am afraid that YouTube will taken them down soon, because of the copyright of the animation studio... and BabyTV logo.
I send the animation studio a request to post just one episode on YouTube,  no response sadly. So I give you some poor quality videos of Puzzle Inc, I think the quality was so bad YouTube had no reason to remove these videos...

* Train

* Oleadas

Puzzle Inc showed me you really can sing-along with classic music and forever changes my opinion about classic music in general. It's not boring, Puzzle Inc proofs it in every episode.