
Friday, October 23, 2015

Happy Halloween: Bit2 Slasher demo (MSX)

When I uploaded the "valis - the fantasm soldier 2 - scary part" I remembered I had somewhere a Japanese demo which had also some kind of horror in it. I first though it was from T&E Soft, but after searching more than 20 disks, I had to admited it was Bit2.

Yes, the guys that made nice programs like Quinple, Nyancle Racing and Graphsaurus.
Then I watched this demo, very dark and no happy ending. Was that the same Bit2 ?

Because of all the Japanese titles I dont know what the demo is all about and more important I could find out what the title of the game was. 

Yes, I only have the intro-demo, not the game itself. Kinda sad, it could be a very good game if it had the graphics of the demo. 

Why I called it the Bit2 Slasher this

Of course this was not the entire demo and I saved only the best part, cutt off the disk loading times otherwise the YouTube movie should be to boring too watch. 
I saved the Japanese texts, music and soundeffects cause that's part of the story the demo tries to tell.

Happy Halloween !

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