
Saturday, September 1, 2018

TnC House Classics presents : Lush 3 - 1 of Orbital

I re-discovered this track of Orbital, while I was playing My Favorite Houseworks tapes via Mixcloud. Just a simple house track, with a slow spacy flute, a regular hard bassline with a simple drumbeat and speed up riff loop. 

I wanted to create a video with different equalizers, but somebody posted the track Lush 3-1 track with a nice equalizer and the CD-cover as background. So I had to save this idea for another song I update some time later.

Orbital created house music with hard beats and soft melodies, so there are more tracks I liked. Also, I found out they, yes it's a duo, were reunited in 2017 and even created new single and a new album. The track of "Tiny Foldable Cities" is a nice one, check out the video. It's filmed from far above the city which totally fits with the title and the music too.

The remix by "Kareful" is just what they did with "Something Good" of the Utah Saints, just remove all breaks and make it more danceable. Well, you could also say, a bit boring to listen to. 

By the way Lusus 3-1 came from the Orbital brown album with also Lush 3-2 
Never knew why they gave it that title, it had not much relation with 3-1 in any way.
It's an annoying piece of ....

I found 2 remixes by other artists of Lush 3-1, the Underworld version is more Underworld than Lush, the second with the long title is just like old 12" versions, long and not much content added.

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