Welcome to almost the last part of the series
Soundz & DemoZ Disks, Part 7.
I call this part, "The Soundtracker Edition 1".
I guess I don't have to explain that.
On this disk, you will find some Basic Replayers I once made, some info about each Soundtracker song and an example with lots of comments how to load and play a Soundtracker song in Basic.
And also a long sample of the song Living Dead of Mad At The World, a short of Christian band which sounded like Depeche Mode.

I did not like it, the combi of the electric guitar with heavy electronics was much better choice.
On Part 8 you will find another sample of a track from their first album.
I liked this MATW album so much, I not only sampled some song, but after buying the record I bought blindly also the CD version, which had 2 bonus tracks.
Well, after listening I skipped them every time I played the CD.
They were sooooo bad, it made me wonder why the other songs got so much better...
Note: I hope you can listen to the sample, cause BlueMSX plays only silence.

Sorry, this disk has only 4 items in the main menu,
but I promise the next Part 8 will have much more.
I forgot something, because the Basic Replayers need a lot of Basic space, you have to start the disk with CTRL key pressed when booting.
Then Disk-Basic has more space to run the replayers.

* Here are some alternative wiki pages about the classical composers:

* And some non-wiki info about the band: Mad At The World
* An MSX info page about Ernst Schulle or Unicorn Corporation
Yeah, this time no remixes or mashups, just a fresh version or a nice video of these pop songs.
* The PSG version from the original game "Lenam - Sword of Legend - Event 1"
* The guitar book of Pieter van der Staak including "Hiking to Haifa" and "Bound for Bulgaria" (see Part 3)
I am done now with Part 7, Part 8 is much more interesting...
Here are Mediafire and Pcloud