Hi Everyone,
I'm very pleased to announce "The First Jumpscare On MSX Ever" (maybe).
It's hidden in a home-made game-demo I made, called "The Return of Mr. Hyde".
The game-demo is (I believe) actually the first hidden object game on MSX, like so many other PC-games on Facebook or CD-Roms.
It's a very short game, cause the jumpscare will interrupt your game. And as the text screen says, you can find no more than 4 objects.
Finally, I finished the game-demo and the jumpscare, I start working in October 2015 already.
Then I couldn't finish it in time for Halloween, so I created other posts about Halloween and forgot all about it, until recently.
I had no idea what to post for Halloween this year and wanted to start with the TnC's WORDSTORE+ MegaDemo. So I searched in my MSX .DSK collection and found a map called "MSX Halloween". There I found the forgotten stuff I made for the hidden object game-demo and the jumpscare.
Why I put a jumpscare in the game-demo? Well, it was hard to create a working game
and when I started in 2015, I soon came to the conclusion I better put a jumpscare in it.
That way I didn't have to finish the whole game. Yeah, I am a lazy MSX-Basic programmer.
Maybe if I get some good responses I will take a look if I can expand the game-demo to a complete game with more sceneries, more objects, ending/hi-score screen, more music etc.
Here are some random quotes I wrote down,
during the last testing sessions:
- The pictures are stolen from a HdO adventure, called "Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde"
It was a simple hidden objects game on CD-ROM for PC, I bought it for 2 Euro.
- When I saw "Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde" I wondered if I could re-make it on MSX-2.
That how I got the idea of an MSX prequel "The Return of Mr. Hyde"
- The resolution of SCREEN 8 was not good enough to get good converted pictures of the "Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde" game to see all hidden objects.
So I had to improvise and find other (bigger) objects to search for.
- I choose SCREEN 8, cause although SCREEN 7 pictures have a better resolution,
they are also more kB than SCREEN 8 pictures. If I made the complete game with
SCREEN 7 pictures, it still is a short game with not more than 9 sceneries.
- I wanted an original scary sample, so I search in my home-made samples and found
one I used in a DUAL SONG for the MusixBox program (Philips Music Module).
The voice you hear is not my own, it was a friend of mine long time ago,
Robert van Leeuwen (I hope he won't notice it ever...)
- Cause I wanted also music in the game-demo and the scary sample,
I choose the MoonBlaster program to create music and play the scare sample.
- The intro-/game-music you hear is made by myself, quick and dirty.
It sounds a lot like my random PSG-sound generators, but with FM-voices.
- The game-demo should work on every MSX-2 with MSX-MUSIC + MSX-AUDIO.
I have no idea if it works on an MSX-2+ without Philips Music Module or other different
MSX hardware. Now I only test for MSX-1 and quit.
- The whole hidden objects game-demo differs from any PC-version, cause I choose
in 2015 not to add fire-button detection, so you just have to move around to find
the hidden objects.
- The "ugly" intro-screen was made with Philips VideoGraphics. I don't like it much,
but I ran out of time and ideas to make an better conversion of a picture and better
title design.
- If you want to beat my HI-SCORE, you have to press "H" in the intro picture.
Then you won't be disturbed by the scary part of the game-demo.
- The scary face picture came from the original jumpscare in the tv-program
"American's Funniest Home Videos" and I think it was inspired by the famous painting
"The Scream" by Edvard Munch.

Here is a short YouTube video about the game-demo
"The Return of Mr. Hyde"
Wanna try it yourself?
Mediafire / Pcloud
PS: Do not try to download anything from the "freeride games", it's not safe.
After complains from SupMSX I tried to run the game-demo on a real MSX-2.
I fired up my NMS 8245 with a Philips Music Module and all screens were very messy.
The main problem was removing old sprite data before creating a new one.
So I removed all the VDP(9) commands, the POKE command for loading the Moonblaster driver y/n and add a command for removing sprite data I found in a very old school notebook full of MSX tips I collected.
I uploaded this new version 1.27 to Mediafire and Pcloud and remove the old 1.26 version.
I'm very pleased to announce "The First Jumpscare On MSX Ever" (maybe).
It's hidden in a home-made game-demo I made, called "The Return of Mr. Hyde".

It's a very short game, cause the jumpscare will interrupt your game. And as the text screen says, you can find no more than 4 objects.
Finally, I finished the game-demo and the jumpscare, I start working in October 2015 already.
Then I couldn't finish it in time for Halloween, so I created other posts about Halloween and forgot all about it, until recently.
I had no idea what to post for Halloween this year and wanted to start with the TnC's WORDSTORE+ MegaDemo. So I searched in my MSX .DSK collection and found a map called "MSX Halloween". There I found the forgotten stuff I made for the hidden object game-demo and the jumpscare.
Why I put a jumpscare in the game-demo? Well, it was hard to create a working game
and when I started in 2015, I soon came to the conclusion I better put a jumpscare in it.
That way I didn't have to finish the whole game. Yeah, I am a lazy MSX-Basic programmer.

Here are some random quotes I wrote down,
during the last testing sessions:
- The pictures are stolen from a HdO adventure, called "Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde"
It was a simple hidden objects game on CD-ROM for PC, I bought it for 2 Euro.
- When I saw "Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde" I wondered if I could re-make it on MSX-2.
That how I got the idea of an MSX prequel "The Return of Mr. Hyde"

So I had to improvise and find other (bigger) objects to search for.
- I choose SCREEN 8, cause although SCREEN 7 pictures have a better resolution,
they are also more kB than SCREEN 8 pictures. If I made the complete game with
SCREEN 7 pictures, it still is a short game with not more than 9 sceneries.
- I wanted an original scary sample, so I search in my home-made samples and found
one I used in a DUAL SONG for the MusixBox program (Philips Music Module).
The voice you hear is not my own, it was a friend of mine long time ago,
Robert van Leeuwen (I hope he won't notice it ever...)
- Cause I wanted also music in the game-demo and the scary sample,
I choose the MoonBlaster program to create music and play the scare sample.
- The intro-/game-music you hear is made by myself, quick and dirty.
It sounds a lot like my random PSG-sound generators, but with FM-voices.
- The game-demo should work on every MSX-2 with MSX-MUSIC + MSX-AUDIO.
I have no idea if it works on an MSX-2+ without Philips Music Module or other different
MSX hardware. Now I only test for MSX-1 and quit.
- The whole hidden objects game-demo differs from any PC-version, cause I choose
in 2015 not to add fire-button detection, so you just have to move around to find
the hidden objects.
- The "ugly" intro-screen was made with Philips VideoGraphics. I don't like it much,
but I ran out of time and ideas to make an better conversion of a picture and better
title design.
- If you want to beat my HI-SCORE, you have to press "H" in the intro picture.
Then you won't be disturbed by the scary part of the game-demo.
- The scary face picture came from the original jumpscare in the tv-program
"American's Funniest Home Videos" and I think it was inspired by the famous painting
"The Scream" by Edvard Munch.

"The Return of Mr. Hyde"
Wanna try it yourself?
Mediafire / Pcloud
PS: Do not try to download anything from the "freeride games", it's not safe.
After complains from SupMSX I tried to run the game-demo on a real MSX-2.
I fired up my NMS 8245 with a Philips Music Module and all screens were very messy.
The main problem was removing old sprite data before creating a new one.
So I removed all the VDP(9) commands, the POKE command for loading the Moonblaster driver y/n and add a command for removing sprite data I found in a very old school notebook full of MSX tips I collected.
I uploaded this new version 1.27 to Mediafire and Pcloud and remove the old 1.26 version.
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