
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Failures of MSX: the English ziekte

You should check my  earlier post about color spill on SCREEN 2 for more reference...
 You did read it ? Ok, let's continue then...

A lot of games are made for MSX-1, but in the last years of the Dutch MSX magazines, 
most MSX-1 games suffered what was called in Holland as "the English desease". 
Why ? Because most MSX-1 games came from England (or Spain). So the main screenplay was often in 2 colors, a black background and another colour for the player and scenery. 
Maybe cause these games were conversions of Zx Spectrum games. 
Any way these games look horrible . 

Some tried to use more colours for player and scenery, but because of the color spill on SCREEN 2, it looked also very poor. 

In the end everybody did not want to buy these games that looked so bad and the companies stopped making those MSX-1 games... Is it wrong to say I am happy they stopped ?

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