When you have only 1 diskdrive in your MSX -2 computer and you are busy creating something, you want to store your temporary files not on disk ( cause disks are slow and not reliable ) but on a ramdisk so you can save and load easily
and fast.
Lucky for you the developers of MSX-2 made a build-in ramdisk that can be used with the CALL MEMINI command.
Sadly it is so slow saving and loading, you don't wanna use it.
The problem is that the MEM: disk saves everything in ASCII instead of binairy, like normal ramdisks do.
I used the MEM: drive only for creating textfiles or textfiles with MSX Basic commands.
And only for small files, otherwise it takes forever to save and load.
CALL MEMINI was just a good idea with bad development and a waste of RAM space.
No plus for the MSX-2 standard.
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