Thinking of a good title was the hardest part, while creating this post.
When my MSX co-worker at EMP-Soft, Elko, had an FM-Pac, he started creating a lot
of short melodies in FM Basic, includng some covers and some just melodies.
But the duration these melodies was so short, to short to upload to any MSX BBS.
So when Elko had some blues melodies and some spanish melodies I decided to create a music demo for each set of melodies and in a different languages.
The Blues demo is therefor in English, the Espana demo in Spanish, the Bang Bang demo
in French and the Musikbox demo in German.
But why I called it the Colour Demo's of EMP-Soft ?
The Blues demo was made in black/blue cause these colours seems to fit best for that style of music, and Espana was made in yello/red, which seems to me the best colours to describe Spain.
The last 2 were made in the colours I not had used before, that is why The Bang Bang demo is in yellow/green and The Musikbox demo is black/white.

Yes, these FM Basic music demo's were all made for MSX-1 and all GFX was created by me by using a special drawing program VSTEKEN.
I think it was a listing from MCM (once famous Dutch MSX Magazine), but of course I change it a little to make it better.
I never finished all my modification, so I never uploaded my version VSTEKE2.BAS.
VSTEKEN had just 1 good feature, it could create a Basic program from the drawing you made.
So every line, circle, paint was correctly recorded and exported to a Basic program with linenumbers and all...
Very rare for a drawing program.
I already described the Blues and the Espana demo, so next is the Bang Bang demo.

Bang Bang was just another MSX FM Basic listing I found somewhere, the maker is Japenese (Gan-P) I guess...
It's an amazing piece of music, with just lots of drum sounds and lot of basslines...
I loved it so much that I stripped the listing, so I could easily make my own versions.

The first is the original,
the 2nd is with other
"more cooler" instruments, the last one uses total random instruments. I love random...
The 4th demo, Musikbox, was more a collection of short PSG musics I converted to FM Basic versions, the title of the songs can be found in the listing itself, some titles were already lost, when I made this demo.
Still, the
5th song is the best of them all...
All 4 demo's are in 1 LZH file and a DSK file, so you can choose.
Hope you like it, I had a great time reviewing the demo's for this post.
Well, I had some spare time so I translated and updated the original VSTEKEN.BAS into English, called VSTEKENE.BAS.
So you can try creating better drawings than the ones in these demo's...
PS: For the DSK version I created an MENU.BAS drawn by VSTEKENE.BAS....