
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Some MSX-links: DiskManager of Lex Lechz

The DiskManager and the BlueMSX emulator made me turn back to my old MSX-disks and start playing, creating, watching, reading MSX-stuff after I think 10 years.

With this program you can convert your MSX-disks to files (with extension .dsk) and these files can be easy used on almost every MSX-emulator.
But there is more, you can also add/delete/rename/extract files on these .dsk files, so if you have some MSX-files download from somewhere, you can create a new .dsk file and add these files to use it in a MSX-emulator, or extract some files to copy them to another .dsk file
without starting up MSX-Basic  or MSX-DOS.

I had most of my double-sided (720 Kb) disks converted to .dsk files and stored on my harddisk, but most of my single-sided (360 Kb) could not be read by my floppydrive
on my PC.
But these disks were pretty old, more than 20 years at least...

Without this program, there was no Mixmeister TnC, no blog and I should be playing only Facebook games instead ;-)

So here is the link for this musthave.

There are also a couple negative things about it:
- you cannot search for files
- no sort of files and saving them
- not much support on single-sided disks

Lex Lechz has made also an very interesting MSX emulator called: RuMSX.
But that's another story...

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