Maybe this will be the last post about Xmas. Every year I am afraid I have run out of ideas. Let's face it, there is not much MSX Xmas related stuff to find. And there is too much Xmas music in any genre to post about. Just Google and you will have it. This year my idea for an MSX post about Xmas was: collect all Xmas Demo's of any Diskmagazine I could find, upload it to YouTube and blog about it. I started with the famous Sunrise Picturedisks and I found one. Then I browsed to all files on the MCCM CD1 and CD2 trying to find more.
Just 2 more.
While I tried to buy any diskmagazine on any MSX fair and was subscribed on Future Magazine, MCCM and Sunrise, still my collection was incomplete and the Xmas came nearer and nearer. I decided to put the 3 demo's I found on YouTube and finish that MSX post about Xmas 2017.
That wasnt easy, cause somehow my video-editor did some terrible things with the original audio, making it sound like a speaker with bad wires. I had to re-record the sound and put it together with a silent video to make it work. I was always a big fan of Microsoft Movie Maker, but in Windows 10 it just kept on crashing. For these 3 demo's I used a very old ShowBiz DVD 2 of ArcSoft from 2004. It's still works on Windows 10, but most of the Export formats are no longer functioning.
This is one of the demo's on Sunrise Picturedisk 10, made by a famous MSX group called Instruments Of Darkness.
Their little demo puts falling snowflakes to a small animated picture. And the worst MSX version I ever heard of "Jingle Bells".
The samples are funny enough, but they better asked member DanDan to compose some sounds.
The easiest way to play the demo on a MSX is by starting XMAS.LDR, otherwise you have to play some levels of Pixess to get to the demo.
Harald Stutz / Patrick Leijt Kerst Demo:
I am not sure if Patrick Feijt changed more than just the Dutch xmaswish at the end of the demo, but Harald Stutz made a nice demo with 2 animated parts with music.
It's completly written in MSX-BASIC, but uses some BGM files ( Bit2 Synyhesaurus ) to play music. That BGM replayer is so good ,you can execute other Basic commands without interupting the music.
The first part looks a bit like the IOD XMAS Demo, I prefer this one. Great job mr. Harald Stutz and thank you Patrick Feijt for sending it to the Dutch MCCM, so I can add this nice demo to my collection.
Just 2 more.
While I tried to buy any diskmagazine on any MSX fair and was subscribed on Future Magazine, MCCM and Sunrise, still my collection was incomplete and the Xmas came nearer and nearer. I decided to put the 3 demo's I found on YouTube and finish that MSX post about Xmas 2017.
That wasnt easy, cause somehow my video-editor did some terrible things with the original audio, making it sound like a speaker with bad wires. I had to re-record the sound and put it together with a silent video to make it work. I was always a big fan of Microsoft Movie Maker, but in Windows 10 it just kept on crashing. For these 3 demo's I used a very old ShowBiz DVD 2 of ArcSoft from 2004. It's still works on Windows 10, but most of the Export formats are no longer functioning.
Hereby info about each demo:
This is the intro demo of Paradise 2,
a Dutch MSX diskmagazine of MSX Club DTC. There were not many issues, only 3.
Their most famous member was JetSoft, who made very nice pictures on MSX-2.
The demo itself is short and makes good use of the standard MSX-2 startup screen.
It had no sound so I search at for Xmas music made on a MSX computer.
They had a competition MuSiXmas with the original MSX format and a mp3 version.
The first mp3 track I played was Iceworld of Frederik Boelens. I loved it for the start and it fits the DTC XMAS Demo like a glove.
a Dutch MSX diskmagazine of MSX Club DTC. There were not many issues, only 3.
Their most famous member was JetSoft, who made very nice pictures on MSX-2.
The demo itself is short and makes good use of the standard MSX-2 startup screen.
It had no sound so I search at for Xmas music made on a MSX computer.
They had a competition MuSiXmas with the original MSX format and a mp3 version.
The first mp3 track I played was Iceworld of Frederik Boelens. I loved it for the start and it fits the DTC XMAS Demo like a glove.
This is one of the demo's on Sunrise Picturedisk 10, made by a famous MSX group called Instruments Of Darkness.
Their little demo puts falling snowflakes to a small animated picture. And the worst MSX version I ever heard of "Jingle Bells".
The samples are funny enough, but they better asked member DanDan to compose some sounds.
The easiest way to play the demo on a MSX is by starting XMAS.LDR, otherwise you have to play some levels of Pixess to get to the demo.
I am not sure if Patrick Feijt changed more than just the Dutch xmaswish at the end of the demo, but Harald Stutz made a nice demo with 2 animated parts with music.
It's completly written in MSX-BASIC, but uses some BGM files ( Bit2 Synyhesaurus ) to play music. That BGM replayer is so good ,you can execute other Basic commands without interupting the music.
The first part looks a bit like the IOD XMAS Demo, I prefer this one. Great job mr. Harald Stutz and thank you Patrick Feijt for sending it to the Dutch MCCM, so I can add this nice demo to my collection.
I hope you enjoy these demo's. Happy Holidays !!!
Btw : I have no plans for post I ng about New Year, but you never know.
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