
Sunday, September 26, 2021

Onehour of the very best 2d fighterplane gamemusic

My son isnot only a big fan of racing game but hw likes also fighterpl,anegames with lots of upgrades different kind of planes archievements levels difficulties and of cours gamemusic. Agaon the was agame couter attackwhich had also everyting to be a good fighterpkane game except for the music (and the backgrounds). So we checkwd yt for a nice playlist. Therewas none. So we used some  soundtrack of fighterplanrs game with good music, like crimdon and clover world ignition, wings of gold and ....again i had the idea to create a one hour mix with the best fighterplane music, which was much harder than i imagined cause there are not so many fihhterplane games on pc with a decent soundtrack.itried tomatch the key in the beginning and ending of each travk to create a nice flow during the whole mix.

Jeffrey audio had too many songs recently, had to sort out the best and mix.


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