
Monday, September 27, 2021

TnC mixes: thinkpad of ???? ( Windows Store)

Rarely you find something good in the Windows Store, most of free apps have less functions as freeware programs you can find on the net, Only if you pay you get a app that is realy usefull. But why pay for a  app if freeware programs are much better ? I enjoyed a remake of Every Breah You Take on YT witn a kind of soundpad device. So I searched just for fun in  the Winstore for a freeware soundpad. Abd there was! It was made by ??? and work like expected without consulting any manual or website. The only thing I missed was ,saving different configurations , but hey, its free, so why bother if it does what it should do. So I put samples of a very old floppydisk of Blunt Axe, Dingetje, Madness, AC DC, Deacon Blue into the soundpad app, here are the results. Totally chaos and sometimes funny too. Try it yourself with all kind of (short) samples, or use mine ( tnc I hole you dont mind mystrange kind of humour

2nd post about soundpad or not ???

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